Are you ready for the New Year? Are you ready for some inspiration?
Check out what Pico Shul has going on in the next few weeks.
Head to the mountains next weekend for our Camp Neshama Young Professional retreat! We have a few more spots left!
Join us for outdoor High Holiday services in Pico!
Couples: Learn how to make your home a sanctuary of peace with Rabbi Zimmerman.
Singles: Learn with eminent psychologist Leonard Carr about Romance and Renewal.
Listen to Rabbi Yonah's Parsha Shoftim class on creating more access to God and spirituality through developing equilibrium and singing more.
Give tzedakah to help a Jewish recovery house stay open, those needing medical assistance, and to support our organization with a Jewish year-end gift. (See links below)
Thanks to generous supporters all these programs and ways to connect are possible. Thanks to gifts large and small, we help build a more caring and more connected Jewish future.
May you be written and inspired in the Book of Life for a healthy and blessed New Year,
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Yonah and Rachel Bookstein