About Us
The world depends on three things — on Torah study, on the service of God, and on kind deeds.
Founded in 2013 by Beth El Synagogue
Pico Shul’s mission is creating a more caring, welcoming, and united Jewish community, to help those who in need, and repair our world. Pico Shul pursues this mission through communal worship, service to others, classes, seminars, retreats, advocacy, leadership training, and trips.
About Us
Pico Shul creates connections for Jewish singles, and provides Holidays and Shabbat services, retreats, classes, spiritual coaching, ritual assistance and awesome events for Jews of all backgrounds.

Founders and Supporters
Deanna and Allen Alevy Family Rabbi in Community Outreach - supported through the generosity of the Alevy Family
Deanna and Allen Alevy
Cheston and Lara Mizel and Family
Daniel and Zahava Uretsky
Dr. Joshua and Ronne Penn
Ben Shushan Family
Barak Raviv Foundation
David and Monica Schwartz
David and Stephanie Schwartz
Aaron and Brooke Korda